Tribute Wall
Hyung Park uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Looking back..., I remember only Susan's smiley face since I met her at the Corcoran, standing next to my professor, Johan Severtson, since 1995... She has been a great woman to her husband, her sons and daughter-in-laws, her grand children, and the Corcoran alumni including me and my wife, ... and recently to my children and my students at the Corcoran, GWU and my studio. She always has been positive, very considerate, and encouraging with smiles. I have respected her and will miss her smile and kindness very much. My heart and thoughts go out to her family.
Thank you very much, Susan, for everything you have done for all of us.
Rest in peace, Susan...
Tiffany Lloyd Severtson uploaded photo(s)
Monday, March 16, 2020
Julie Mazel lit a candle
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Julie Mazel Posted Mar 15, 2020 at 10:17 PM
I first met Susan at Boca Chica at Tiffany and Jorn's wedding. My family catered the reception. The Severtson's
were gracious hosts.Suan was a wonderful wife, mother, mother-in-law, and grandmother. She raised three caring, compassionate,intelligent sons
who will continue her legacy of love.
Rest in peace, Susan.
Shelley Solworth Posted Mar 16, 2020 at 1:37 PM
I met Susan in the summer of 1981 and enjoyed her company very much . Susan had it all she was talented , intelligent had a very good sense
Of humor . She made beautiful suits coats for her children and was a wonderful person and mother .
I will most if all miss her smile . My thoughts
Prayers go out to her family .
The family of Susan M.Q. Severtson uploaded a photo
Saturday, March 14, 2020
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