Obituary of Stanley Richard Clark
Stanley Clark, of Lake of the Woods Virginia, passed away peacefully on April 21, 2021 at the age of 95. Stanley made our world a better place by the ways he shared his love, his care and his efforts. So often this was done with the ways he would teach and share his wonderful singing voice.
His greatest love was with his family; Ferne, his wife of 67 years that passed away in 2017, his children Craig, Beth, Jeff and Brian along with his brother, 3 sisters, 4 grandchildren and 1 great grandson.
While living on Long Island he taught Life Lessons and Chemistry to High School Students for 3 decades. For another 3 decades he enriched the lives of people in and around Lake of the Woods Virginia with his, enjoyment of golf, involvement with the church and with his music, especially when singing with the well-known and appreciated group The Lakers. If you ever needed things to be organized or fixed, he’s the man you’d look for. He supported our country and our freedom during his WW2 Army years in the Pacific for which he was recently presented the medals he earned.
In lieu of flowers, when you think of him commit to increasing your ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ and consider telling someone of the ways he enriched your life. If you’d like to make a financial donation related to your thoughts of him, simply make it to a charity of your choice.
A Memorial Gathering will be held in September or October and more information will be available as we approach that time.