Obituary of Carole Ann Del Guidice
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Carole Ann Del Guidice, beloved sister of Tom Del Guidice, passed away unexpectedly on April 21. Carole was predeceased by her father, Antonio, in 1977 and her mother, Carolyn, in 1983. Born in Yonkers, New York, on January 12, 1949, Carole graduated from Roosevelt High School and then worked in the insurance industry. Several years later, she moved with her brother and mother to Exton, Pennsylvania. She remained close to her many aunts, uncles and cousins who live in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and New Hampshire.
Carole subsequently accompanied her brother to Fairfax, VIrginia when he was transferred by Mobil Oil. After moving to Fairfax, Carole joined the Joseph White Insurance Agency as a Customer Service Agent.
Carole and Tom have been long time active members of St John Neumann Parish and known to many parishioners for their event coordination duties as part of the 50+ Club. Carole enjoyed traveling with her brother, relatives and long time friends made within the parish and Mobile Oil retiree communities. Her smile was radiant and her presence at any gathering guaranteed a fun time and fond memories. She will be missed by her many friends and relatives.
A Funeral Mass is scheduled for Carole at St. John Neumann Catholic Church on Friday, April 30, at 11:00 AM, with visitation beginning at 10:00 AM
Memorial donations may be made to St. John Neumann Catholic Church.