Obituary of Randolph Frederick King
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On January 3, 2022, Randolph F. "Ronnie" King passed away from covid. He was 64 years old, just 2 months shy of his 65th birthday. He was born March 5,1957. His parents are William F. King and Viola E. King, Ronnie has 2 sons, William R. "Randy" King and David Allen King. He has three brothers, Charles "Buck" King, Maurertown, Va., James E. "Sparky" King, Saint Inigoes, MD., William "Buddy" King, Laurel, Md., sister, Thelma "Susie" Waid, Virginia Beach, Va. and Susan "Q" Gaines, Virginia Beach,Va. He had many neices and nephews, cousins and friends. Ronnie was married and divorced, but still kept a good relationship with his ex wife, Joy Hicks. Ronnie was a firefighter until he was injured. That was a role in his life he missed until he passed. He would listen to the scanners and just watch the fire department across the street when he lived in Waldorf, MD. Ronnie took the role of father seriously. He sacrificed for them all the time. Randy said that his Dad would always ,are sure the kids got $100 on their birthdays to spend and on Christmas. Ronnie always put his kids first. He was very close to both of his sons. Losing David in 2020 crushed him. His grief almost consumed. Ronnie was also a very generous man also, he always tried to help when he could. Ronnie is going to be missed. He was such a great man.