Obituary of Benjamin Vantine Chatfield
Benjamin Vantine Chatfield died in Falls Church, Virginia on February 25, 2022. Born November 2, 1929 in Fairfield Connecticut, he will be missed by his wife
of more than six decades, Rilda; by his adult children, Meg and Ben; and by his grandchildren Lauren, Michael, Chris, and Jaya.
Mr. Chatfield attended Stanford University, where he obtained his Bachelors, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees. He lived in Arlington and Falls Church since the 1960s and he practiced his profession as a Civil Engineer in California, Alaska, and Ethiopia before settling in the DC metro area with the Dept of Transportation.
The family attended Rock Spring Congregational Church for many years, and then attended the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington. Mr. Chatfield was an active volunteer and leader in both church leadership and in community organizations such as the Kiwanis club. A longtime swimmer and member of Overlee Pool in Arlington, he was also an avid tennis player, card player, and bicyclist. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be sent to the Alzheimers Association.