Obituary of Elisabeta Daniela Catana
On September 9th, 2022, in Washington D.C., our beloved wife and mother Elisabeta Daniela, departed from this world, finally losing the battle with cancer after 10 and a half years of fighting. Dana taught the entire family what means to be a fighter, to be more patient, and how to show and cherish the true love we all have in us.
Dana’s departure has brought great sorrow to all of us, including her parents, her sister, her close relatives, as well as her friends from the Washington D.C. metropolitan area and throughout the United States. Through her warm and joyful nature, she succeeded to leave a mark in the lives of everyone who surrounded her, family and friends, as she will remain forever in our hearts.
Dana left behind two wonderful children, Stefan and Sofia, whom she raised with kindness and pride, as she will watch from Above every single one of their wonderful moments that will come in their life, while protecting them with her prayers in their difficult moments.
May God, who brought us the hope of resurrection and afterlife, give her the eternal rest where His light shines upon the world below, and gift His divine grace to all of us left in sorrow.
There will be a visitation held at St. Andrew Romanian Orthodox Church, 9111 River Road, Potomac, MD on Wednesday, September 14 beginning at 6 pm. A funeral service will be held at 11 am on Thursday, September 15 at St. Andrew Romanian Orthodox Church, with burial to follow at Chestnut Grove Cemetery in Herndon, VA.
Those wishing to send flowers may order them delivered anytime Wednesday, Sept. 14 directly to St. Andrew Romanian Orthodox Church, 9111 River Road, Potomac, MD.
Pe 9 Septembrie, 2022, in Washington D.C., a plecat dintre noi iubita noastra sotie si mama Elisabeta Daniela, care dupa 10 ani si jumatate, a pierdut in cele din urma lupta cu cancerul. Dana ne-a invatat pe toti din familie ce inseamna sa fii un luptator, cum sa fim mai rabdatori, si cum sa aratam dragostea adevarata pe care toti o avem in noi.
Plecarea Danei dintre noi a adus multa tristete si pentru parintii ei, sora ei, rudele apropiate, prietenii din Romania, precum si comunitatea din zona metropolitana Washington DC si Statele Unite. Ea a reusit prin firea ei calda si vesela sa puna o amprenta in viata tuturor celor care au inconjurat-o, familie si prieteni, si va ramane pentru totdeauna in inimile noastre.
Dana lasa in urma doi copii minunati, Stefan si Sofia, pe care i-a crescut cu atata bunatate si mandrie, si pe care ii va privi de Sus in toate momentele minunante ce vor veni in viata lor, si ii va ocroti cu rugaciunile ei in momentele de cumpana.
Fie ca Dumnezeu, Cel care ne-a adus nadejdea Invierii si a vietii de apoi, sa ii daruiasca odihna vesnica acolo unde lumineaza lumina Fetei Sale, si pe toti cei ramasi indurerati sa ne mangaie cu harul Sau.