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CHIA-CHU CHAO posted a condolence
Thursday, December 14, 2023
我們摯愛的巢嘉滿女士,家居維吉尼亞州瑞斯頓市(Reston, Virginia),於 2023 年 10 月 6 日夜間因心臟病發作逝世。她於10月5日從俄亥俄州哥倫布市(Columbus, Ohio)醫院(Mount Carmel Hospital)出院,並於10月6日清晨入住維吉尼亞州赫爾頓(Herndon, Virginia)的康復中心直到當晚在那離世。
巢嘉滿女士於 1953 年 10 月 2 日出生於美麗的亞熱帶島嶼台灣的南部城市嘉義,距離中國大陸海岸約 200 英里;北迴歸線碑矗立在嘉義市的外圍。 往東方眺望,台灣標誌性的旅遊景點阿里山,在天氣晴朗的時刻顯得格外瑰麗壯碩。嘉滿家附近有鬱鬱葱葱的稻田,和源自阿里山的清澈溪流環繞。 幾分鐘的步行路程即可抵達頗具規模的菜市場,市中心有幾家著名的電影院。 她在嘉義自孩提時代到青少年期,一直都被呵護備至,包括父母親無微不至的教導養育,以及與兄姐們之間的互切互搓,尚有與年齡相仿的侄兒女們嬉戯相伴。
嘉滿與其姊嘉菊在嘉義就讀同一所小學和初高中。她在台北國立台灣大學獲得外國語文而主修英語的學士學位。大學期間,她在一家出版公司半工半讀。畢業後,她曾在商業機構和學術機構擔任秘書和管理職位。1983年,嘉滿追隨其姐嘉菊的腳步,就讀於俄亥俄州代頓(Dayton)的萊特州立大學(Wright State University)。1984年,她與前夫結婚,1985年底搬到馬裡蘭州(Maryland),並分別於1985年和1988年生育兩個男孩。自1989 年以來,她以單親身份撫養他們。她在俄亥俄地區的圖書館工作。通過美國公務員考試(Civil Exam)後,她加入DFAS(國防財務和會計部門),任職於處理應付帳款部門的一名公職人員。在勤奮工作的同時,她更選修課程來提升自己的學識和專職技能。2014年,她被晉升到密西根州(Michigan)塞歐瑞基(Selfridge)空軍基地的審計部門。她再次晉升為馬裡蘭州貝塞斯達(Bethesda)海軍醫療研究中心的WAWF 管理員/GCPC AO 職位,並於2021 年以68 歲高齡以優良表現的記錄,從海軍醫療研究中心的財務管理職位退休。作為單親家長,她除了撫養兩個孩子上大學之外,還必須平衡工作和學習之間的時間分配。感謝主的眷顧,她因傑出的表現而獲得多次獎項。她的兩個兒子在多個科系領域獲得了數個研究生學位,並有順遂的職業生涯。他們也曾受過嚴格軍事訓練,致力於報效國家,在軍職期間奉獻自己,堅守保衛國家使命。
嘉滿是位基督徒,她熱切地研讀聖經,如鹿渴慕溪水般地聆聽並接納神的話語以實踐,並感謝神的恩典與真理豐富了她的身心靈。她欣賞自然美景和音樂,喜歡園藝和旅行。嘉滿是個善良、體貼的人,她感動了家人和朋友們的心,她也將永遠活在他們的心裡。她留下了兩個兒子(馬裡蘭州的翔翔和弗吉尼亞州的大偉)。在她晚年,即退休前六年與退休後兩年,分別與他們住在一起。 她身後還有其姐嘉菊和姐夫履平,他們與她以及她的兒子們在美期間維持了30多年的密切關係,直到她離世。他們曾一起去度假、慶祝節日、一起解決問題。嘉滿的父母(父親巢鳳雲;母親巢匡桂英)和大哥巢慶成已先於她逝世。
此外,倖存並關心她的還有她的媳婦(Yan和Manisha),孫子(Evelyn,Elaine和Elise),在台灣的大嫂(玉華),二哥威廉(竟成)和他的妻子惠玉,在加拿大的三哥Vincent(志成)和他的妻子昌莉。她的姪子姪女也分別居住在台灣和北美,其中包括美國的慧敏和慧美;在台灣的國正、慧玉、慧玲、慧文; 傳永 和 愛梅;以及在加拿大的禮傳和義傳。她身後還有許多近親,包括分散在台灣和北美地區的侄子和侄女們,以及其配偶及其孩子們。
嘉滿的追思禮拜會將於12月17日在維吉尼亞州瑞斯頓舉行,以表彰和紀念嘉滿,慶祝她在世上70年的歲月及其成就。當所有她的親友們將持續深深地懷念她之時,相信她願將把所有的榮耀歸給主,是主引導了她贏得所有的挑戰和奮鬥戰果,尤其感謝主的恩典轉變了嘉滿在世的生活點滴。願嘉滿以她謙卑的心和受教的靈,使她對上帝的應許建立了堅定穩固的信心,為她的心智與靈魂做好了準備,回歸進入主的永恆生命! 願主引領她走向新的旅程,那裏滿有主復活的盼望,充滿了神的平安、慈愛、喜樂!願主持續帶領引導嘉滿,作她永遠的牧者!
Chang Hwiu Yu (Judy) Wang posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
幾年後,我們分別定居在美國、加拿大,大家都為生活忙碌著,鮮少有機會見面。然而,有時會從姊夫那裡聽到嘉滿的消息,知道她艱辛地把兩個孩子,Sean 和David ,扶養長大成人;自己又以優異的成績,考入美國國防部,在聯邦政府財務部門任職。因爲勤學且表現傑出,一路升遷從Ohio到Michigan的審核部(隸屬Air Force Base)。之後,再晉升到Maryland 的WAWF 管理階層(歸屬於Navy 醫務研究部門),直到68歲退休。我聽了姐夫的分享,也為嘉滿高興。原本心想嘉滿退休後,應該可以好好頤養天年了,卻沒預料到她這麽快,就因身心靈漸弱,而撒手人寰了。消息傳來,我真感到難過傷痛!
昌蕙 悼
Huei Wen (Wendy) Chao posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
姪女 小文 敬輓 12-01-2023
Chuan Yong (Rick) Chao posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
侄子 傳永 11.02.2023
Huei-Ling (Linda) Chao posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
因著由天而來的愛,相信神必親自引領嘉滿小姑姑走 向永遠的平安喜樂
姪女 小玲 2023/10/30
Chih Cheng (Vincent) Chao posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
願主引領 小妹安息
來去匆匆 塵世七旬
百味交陳 永存童真
得主護佑 天國永眠
三哥嫂 志成 昌莉 敬輓
Judy (Chang Hwiu Yu) Wang posted a condolence
Monday, December 4, 2023
In Memory of Chia-man Chao, my friend and in-laws
I know Chia-man because her 3rd elder brother (Vincent) is my brother-in-law.
Chia-man and I are of similar age and hit it off. We get on well with each other and have a lot of fun together. I recall Chia-man always listening to me with a smile and sweet expression. I was deeply impressed by her appearance then, and even now, it still comes to my mind sometimes...
A few years later, we settled in the US and Canada, respectively. We were all busy with our lives and rarely had the chance to meet. Yet, through Vincent, I occasionally heard about Chia-man’s living status. I learned that she, as a single parent, has hardships raising her two children, Sean and David, to adulthood. Yet, she successfully overcomes the challenges by wisely distributing her time between work and family.
Having passed the Civil Exam in good standing, she joined the DFAS (Defense Finance Accounting Service). Being studious and performing outstandingly, she was promoted from Ohio to the Audit Department in Michigan (affiliated with Air Force Base). After that, she again rose to the WAWF Administrator/GCPC AO position in Maryland (associate with the Navy Medical Research Center) until her retirement at 68. I was very happy for Chia-man when I heard of her consecutive promotions through Vincent’s information sharing. I thought that Chia-man would be able to enjoy her retirement life, and I would never anticipate her passing away so soon due to getting weaker physically and mentally, which made me feel so sad and hurt!
Knowing that Vincent and some family members, including Chia-man, have devoted themselves to the weekly Bible study and prayer session on Saturday starting in 2020, I think that Chia-man must be a devout Christian, and the Lord Jesus Christ guides and guards her to her new journey. She must be already resting in heaven, the Lord’s kingdom!
Chang Hwiu
Wendy Chao posted a condolence
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Dear Chia-man, my little aunt,
I still remember the last time we were together in 2014: my mother and I visited you and your elder sister (my elder aunt Chia-Chu) and stayed for more than a week.
That visit was impressive. We especially appreciate your hospitality, including driving us around to visit the city of Columbus in Ohio, stopping by your residence in Michigan as you worked there then, and even crossing the US and Canada border later to have fantastic gourmet food in a Chinese restaurant.
I miss those beautiful moments of reunion, and I am so grateful for our excellent relationship as an aunt and niece by blood.
May you be freed from the toil on earth, carefree, and wandering around leisurely in peace! May you enjoy a quiet and peaceful sleep!
Wendy, your niece
Jeff and Kathy Hayes posted a condolence
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
May the Lord strengthen you and encourage you for Chia- Man’s faith in our Lord Jesus Christ during her sojourn on this earth. His promises to us are so faithful and true:
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones. Psalm 116:15
You have taken account of my wanderings; Put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your book? Psalm 56:8
and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” Rev. 21:4
Ai-Mei (Tanja) Chao posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
My deeply missed little Aunt Chia-man,
Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live.
(John 11:25)
Tanja Chao, your niece
Huei-Yu Chao posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
My dearly missed Chia-man,
<Isaiah 41:13 ESV>
For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”
Hui-Yu Lee Chao, your 2nd elder sister-in-law
Eric Chao posted a condolence
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Dear Xiao Gu Gu,
Thank you for all the love and light you brought to our family. May you rest in eternal peace and love.
Your nephew,
Bryan Chao posted a condolence
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Dear Xiao Gu Gu,
I will always remember you as a kind and loving person. I will cherish the memories of our family gatherings. May you rest in peace.
Chuan Yong Chao posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Dear Little Aunt, Chia-Man,
May you be filled with God's peace and joy!
In Christ,
Rick, your nephew
(Romans 15:13 NIV)
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The family of Chia-man Chao uploaded a photo
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Please wait
Linda (Hueyling) Chao posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Eternal Blessings
My entire family lived in Chiayi during my childhood. All members lived in a Japanese-style dormitory in an Air Force village, and the daily life filled up with chatting and noise in the surroundings. I seemed to live leisurely but aimlessly, while almost nothing could cheer me up or pay attention to.
Until one day, I saw a new photo of my little aunt Chia-Man. With her big eyes and two pigtails, her eyes were full of clever and quick-witted looks, which impressed me and are unforgettable even today.
My parents took six of us children and left Chiayi when I was nine. We rarely met afterward. Yet, whenever anyone mentions my little aunt Chia-Man, that photo with her bright eyes and the gauze skirt she dressed immediately appears in my thoughts.
We all became adults when we met again. I was then impressed by my little aunt's unhurried spoken pace and her bell-sound voice. That observation provided me with more understanding of my little aunt's personality and her characteristics.
Later, the spacetime moves everyone's footsteps forward. We are away in different districts on Earth and have not seen each other for decades. Being separated by the Pacific Ocean, we each encountered various life challenges and trials, yet we always gave our devout blessings to each other.
Being informed that my little aunt had gone to be with the Lord in early October, I was shocked and perplexed; I could not foresee and comprehend. However, I was told that my little aunt left peacefully; she unloaded the burden on Earth and rest in peace. I trust that God must have his will for such an arrangement.
Looking back on life, all the past events are still vivid in my mind; yet, one after one, they all turn into dust in the blink of an eye.
With God's love, I trust he will guide my little aunt, Chia-Man, toward eternal peace and joy.
I bless you in the Lord; I miss you in the Lord.
May the Lord lead you into the land of Canaan (his promised land).
May the Lord grant you abundant milk and honey.
Looking back on those passing days, there are waves of laughter and tears.
In God's love, I once again dedicate my profound blessings!
Niece, Linda Chao (Hueyling Chao)
Ching-Cheng Chao uploaded photo(s)
Friday, October 27, 2023
Ching-Cheng (William) Chao posted a condolence
Friday, October 27, 2023
Dear Sister Chia-Man,
Praise the Lord that you have successfully overcome the challenges of raising your two boys into outstanding adults and retiring at 68 as a WAWF administrator, GCPC AO at the Navy Medical Research Center. Those are remarkable achievements, given the obstacles that you have to manage daily. I am proud of your notable accomplishments on your life journey on earth. Thank the Lord that you have an older sister, Chia-Chu, a faithful Christian who cares about your life and faith; she provides me with your stories of glorifying the Lord and becoming a blessing to others. I hope you will remember her and continue the sisterhood in Christ by the Holy Spirit's guidance. We are grateful that Chao family members have received many blessings from the Lord to avoid risks on the wrong path. Fortunately, the Lord's abundant grace has guided us to glorify him by doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with him.
Remembering your happy childhood, we saw you wore a "good child" ribbon and told us cheerfully that the kindergarten teachers congratulated you on being awarded this honor. You used to like to sing the interlude of the movie "The Stewardess," in which Grace Chang (Mandarin name: Gulen) starred: I want to fly to the sky. Since you have started your new journey to be closer to God, we won't see you on earth until we meet again in the Lord's kingdom. We miss you so much! At our Saturday Bible Study, you hosted video conferences, prayed, and studied scriptures. We mourn the passing of the time we spent together, which was so short. We are so reluctant to be apart from you!
We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our Savior, Jesus Christ, who is the fount of every blessing (hymn: Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing). In the meantime, we appreciate the Holy Spirit's inspiration to your third brother, Chi-Cheng, and older sister, Chia-Chu, to establish the weekly mobile video conference that brings us together to study and discuss the Bible and have joyful moments of sharing the gospel! May we continue being the salt and light to the world to glory the Lord and bless others!
Respectful condolences,
Your second elder brother,
Ching-Cheng (William Chao)
Hueyyu Chao posted a condolence
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Dear Aunt Chia-Man,
Although we are apart in spacetime, your kindness to me will live in my heart forever. Sharing the essence of LOVE in the Bible Study, you notably quoted a Bible verse about not insisting on its own way (not self-seeking but being willing to compromise) and not being resentful (keeping no record of wrongs but truly forgiving). This message was a critical wake-up call, like a timely appeal to virtue and purity.
Knowing you wish to return to Taiwan for a visit, I planned to treat you to Taiwanese gourmet then. Yet, I must say farewell to you, and may the Lord's peace and joy be with you on the new journey to heaven. I will continue sending my picture drawings to you through a private communication line between us. May you rest peacefully in the Lord's arms with his grace overflowing!
Respectful condolences,
Your niece (also a sister in Christ)
Judy Chao
Sharon McConnell posted a symbolic gesture
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Chia-man, I am remembering the happy conversations we had over the years as neighbors, talking about our boys, and family. And recently, I am thankful for the evening we shared at our home, when we visited while you awaited the return of your sister. I pray for God's grace and peace to be with you through eternity, as you rest with our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.
John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
Revelation 21:4
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
Sharon McConnell
Ching-Cheng Chao uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, October 21, 2023
CHIA-CHU CHAO uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Dear Chia-Man, my younger sister, living in my heart forever,
Being your older sister, I came to this earth two years before you did. Knowing you for seventy years, I must say farewell to you on October 6 this year, on your departure from this world, four days after your birthday and two days after mine. Yet, I trust the Lord's will and faithfulness, and we shall meet again to reunite in his kingdom!
Within our limited lifespan, we have had all the precious moments together in person or via phone conversations. This includes all the activities we participated in and those opportunities we contributed toward problem-solving, such as studying and researching, discussing and sharing, arguing and encouraging, laughing and sentimentalizing, accepting and accommodating, and most importantly, being appreciative to the Lord. He builds our faith in his promises, transforms our lives spiritually by his grace, and guides us each step of the way as our forever shepherd. Listening to the Holy Spirit and complying with his guidance, we target and strive to meet the Lord's requirements for his children: do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with him toward our life's purpose: glory him and become blessings to others. The means are to bear the fruit of the Spirit, i.e., love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We are so grateful to get to know our Lord, who makes the life journey more meaningful and worthy of celebration.
My dear and the only sister from the same parents, you are special and unique to me. I miss you and treasure our relationship so much that I will continue to pray to God for you as always.
May God's promises and presence be your comfort!
May his promise of eternal life be a comfort to you!
May the God of comfort bring you the peace that passes his loving presence!
May God's presence give you strength and hope for the new journey!
May you reunite with our parents and first elder brother, who would all join the Lord to welcome you home to be with God forever!
Love you dearly and in Christ,
Chia-Chu (C.C.), your older sister
Chia-Chu Chao uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Chia-Chu Chao uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Alice Hsieh posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Dear Chia-Man,
May the Lord be your shepherded forever, making you lie down in green pastures and leading you beside still waters. May the Lord’s grace and mercy follow you throughout your journey, and you shall dwell in the Lord’s house forever.
I will miss you dearly, my little aunt, and remember you once were such a lovely and cheerful little girl. I hope you feel relieved to enjoy comfort in the Lord’s arms! May you rest in peace!
In Christ,
Alice Chao Hsieh
Dr. Chih C. Chao posted a condolence
Monday, October 16, 2023
Dear Chia-man, our darling little sister,
You are the youngest child of our parents, hence enjoying our utmost love and care since you were born.
I still remember the days when at Grade 3 I held you in my arms when mom was busy doing house chores. Those days in Taiwan were tough but we were content and happy. Then you were decorated as an exemplary kindergarten student which we all took pride in. Your songs, smiles and laughs were still tickling in my ears when we grew older. In the summer nights, we ran wild in the fields and chased after light bugs, You accidently walked into a water pond while misled by the reflection of moonlight. There were a lot of funs and joyful moments in our younger days.
As time went by, we went separate ways and got spread all over the North America and Taiwan. Starting in 2020, I proposed to conduct a family virtual bible study on Saturdays, which brought us closer mentally despite the physical distance separates us. We thank the Lord for giving us the opportunity to be intimate brothers and sisters within Him.
I always want to have a big family reunion when situations allows. With your sudden departure, this wish has all but vanished. Chia-man, my darling little sister, may God enlighten your way, guard your soul and keep you near Him in eternal peace.
Your second elder brother Chih Cheng
Maria C Purchell posted a condolence
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Psalm 23:
The lord is my shepherd. I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me besides quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Maria C Purchell uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Lipin Cheng posted a condolence
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Dear Chia-Man,
This is your brother in law, Bill. As you well knew, the year was 1989 when I first met your sister Chia-Chu, soon followed by your mom,
you and the 2 kids, Sean and David.
Before I knew it, 34 years had passed. I got to witness how hard it had been for you to single-handedly bring up the 2 kids from the time
when Sean was only 3 and David was only 1. Along the way were bumps, challenges, difficulties, growing pains, ..., no different from many
other families, but you managed to hang tough and pull through. In your own words, being human is meant to suffer. Nonetheless, the
effort really paid off. Both Sean and David had been fully grown and highly successful at school, at work and in society. Everyone can be
proud of you and the 2 kids.
After knowing you for 34 years, there obviously is an overwhelming sense of loss now that you're no longer around, just feel like being
hit by a ton of bricks like the other folks in your life. But at the same time, knowing that the 2 kids meant everything in life to you,
I am happy that you accomplished what you set out to do, successfully fulfilled your obligation and dedication to the kids. I was with
you just 24 hours before your final moment on earth. Your eyes were wide open, looked calm and peaceful. I did not detect any pain or
suffering. Anyone who cares about you can take comfort in knowing that you did leave in peace.
Given that you were just a little bit younger than I, we got to witness some remarkable events first hand.
In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon. I was in a room with 30 or 40 people watching the event live on
TV. When Neil took his first step on the moon, the room erupted with everybody shouting and cheering. No one quite believed it would
happen until it actually did. Just a powerful and magical moment that one could never forget after witnessing it.
Then there was 1962 when the world was on the brink. Every day, people were talking about which country had the bigger bomb or upper hand.
But everyone knew it wouldn't have made any difference. If something bad was to happen, it would be nuclear annihilation and game over.
When I was barely able to walk, one day an elder kid in the neighborhood called out to join him on a fishing trip. So why not? After
getting there, by luck I picked the right spot to cast the line. Within just a few seconds, I got my first catch and was quite excited.
Then after a little while, something did not feel right. So I threw the fish back into the pond, returned the fishing gear and went home.
Just like that, my first and last fishing trip. Just a rude introduction to reality, in order to sustain a life, a life has to be taken.
It was quite clear that life was going to be a bloody rough ride.
Just too much anxiety and anger in the family, the community, the country and the world. Disaster after disaster, bleeding after
bleeding, ..., and there is no way out of the anxiety, anger, disaster, bleeding, ...
Having been your brother in law for the past 34 years, our paths crossed by destiny, as such I am here to bid you a final farewell. Have
a nice trip on your way to a better place. Good bye and see you later at the better place!
A place where life truly begins, Utopia, Heaven, Paradise or however you want to call it, where peace, calmness and happiness prevail,
any time and all the time.
From brother in law, Bill
CHIA-CHU CHAO posted a condolence
Friday, October 13, 2023
Dear Chia-Man,
You will always live in my heart as my dear sister.
I will continue reading the Bible to you as we previously studied and discussed over the phone. May God bless you for your humble heart and a teachable spirit in learning God's words to transform your life by His Grace and build your faith in His promises! We are so grateful to God for preparing our souls and spirits for eternity!
I believe you are in a better place now, full of God's peace, love, and Grace to help you move forward to the new journey, where your physical, mental, and spiritual states will be all reset free with the Lord's guidance! May God lead you to leave all the worldly matters behind and joyfully reunite with our parents and first elder brother, whom we have missed so much. May God guide you every step of the way in your new journey! We will meet again in the Lord's kingdom!
Beyond the sunset, daybreak starts.
The Lord is in the Garden, whispers to Chia-Man.
Welcome Chia-Man home to be with God forever. May Chia-Man enjoy peace, joy, and love by being closer to God now, with His everlasting faithfulness!
A Memorial Tree was planted for Chia-man Chao
Thursday, October 12, 2023
We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Adams Green Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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