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Yongqiang Huang posted a condolence
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Today we are here to memorize Jingsong. The lovely kids lost excellent mother. The husband lost wonderful wife. The big family lost outstanding youngest sister. We lost exceptional good friend. Our heart goes to the family. No words can express our pain feeling at this time. We wish Jingsong good rest in the heaven.
We met Jingsong's family several years ago when we moved to the Franklin farm community. I brought Evan to the community swimming pool. Jingsong's whole family was there. We said hello to each other and started to chat. With time passed on we were more familiar with each other and became friends. The kids are so close in their age and they are in the same elementary school. They played together from time to time. My wife became Jingsong's close friend.
Both Jingsong's family and our family shared very similar experience. We were full time students who came to USA for study. After several years of hard work study we graduated with advanced degree and started to work full time. Then the family life burden came to our shoulder. Jingsong had one lovely girl and one lovely boy. We had two boys. We need to take care of the kids without any other outside help while working full time to support the family. After so many years of unbelievable hard work the life became better and better. When so many other people admire Jingsong's family and career success they did not know how much effort they ever made.
The student life was not easy at all. Like many of us Jingsong did very well in the university study. Here is one short story which was from Jingsong's own word. One day the weather was very bad. The university was closed. All the courses were cancelled. Jingsong stayed at student apartment and did not have much to do. She used to be very busy with study, homework and exam. Suddenly she cannot go to the library for study. She did not adapt to one day of free time so quickly that she did not feel good to be free. With her super study skills and hard work she passed all the four courses which are required for the certified public accountant (CPA) in one time. It is very challenging professional certification exam. Some people tried many time to pass, some even do not dare to try.
Both Jingsong and Yang were working professional. They worked so hard at the office and earned respect from coworkers and managers. But the life was never so easy for foreign people who worked here with work visa. When Yang lost his job temporary Jingsong comforted and encouraged him to move on. They overcame the big difficulty together, just like many other difficulties they already overcame before. They had two lovely kids and descent jobs, bought the house and settled down. The American dream came to true. New life just started on the right track.
Jingsong was working professional with very high standard on the work. She was so exceptional good at work that all company liked her so much whichever she worked. From Capital One bank to American Online, from Sallie Mae to VeriSign, Jingsong always was the top performance worker. She was CPA with concentration on corporate tax. People thought the tax code was too complicated to touch. But Jingsong handled it very well. As early as in the university study she took one special course on the tax. We would like to say that she already knew what she would do in her professional career.
She had very strong personal character with integrity and honesty. She did not hide her own feelings. She dared to love and dared to hate. She made right decision on right time. She quitted the job voluntarily from American Online when the company cut the workforce. She left the stay opportunity to other coworkers. She was very confident that she can find another job. During the bad recession economy time not many people had such high level self-confidence. I admired her very much from my deep heart.
Jingsong was always very friendly to the kids. She loved kids. She spent all her out-of-work time with the two lovely kids. Whether it was for school activities, homework, or after school learning, Jingsong was always on there with them. Each time other kids went to play in her house Jingsong always smiled and made them happy. She cooked delicious food for the kids. Evan told us that the food in Aunt Jingsong's home was super. All what Evan said is from the heart of ten-year-old boy. Small kids liked to have birthday party with their buddies. Several years ago when Jingsong learned that we had some difficulty to find the party place she was very happy to suggest that we had birthday party for Erin and Evan together. These two kids birthday dates are just a few days away. That was a huge successful kid birthday party which left very deep impression on us.
Jingsong was always warm hearted to the friends. Whenever other friends need help Jingsong was always there. When there was school delay or close due to bad weather Jingsong was always the person to go if we asked her help. Like many of us she was full time working professional. But when she took the day off and stayed home to take care of the kids she wanted to help other friends.
In 2011 summer I decided to work for a bank in Atlanta. The weekend before I left home for Atlanta Jingsong invited our family to her house for a party. They wished me a safe trip and good work career in the bank industry. It was very much appreciated. My father also appreciated their warm-hearted hospitality. That party was at the end of July 2011. Two months later we were all shocked by the bad news that Jingsong was diagnosed with critical disease. But she was extraordinary brave to fight the disease. Each time we visited her in the hospital she smiled to talk with us. She even gave very helpful suggestion to my personal life. I always encouraged her that she would be fully recovered soon and we would have another party at her home to celebrate it together.
It is such big pity that Jingsong did not enjoy the stable and happy life very long. She worked so hard for so many years in her whole life, but she did not have the time to enjoy the success. She was only 42, about the half of normal life expectation in this country. Now Jingsong was freed and lived happily in the heaven. She is a new angle who will bless her family and all of us. She would be happy to know that kids are in good hands. They will have bright future. Li Yang is such good honest and humble gentleman.
We wish Jingsong lived happily in the heaven. Thank you for all your love and care.
chun ma posted a condolence
Sunday, March 3, 2013
亲爱的家人,朋友, 在过去的几天里, 劲松各样的音容笑貌围绕着我,我真地不愿意相信她已经离开了我们。在我认识的朋友中,劲松是最坚强,独立的一个人。在过去的十六个月里,她顽强地与病魔搏斗,在李洋,萍姐,和各位好友的关心爱护下,她闯过了无数的关口, 几次走过死荫的幽谷,但最后,她真的是累了, 我们的主把她平平静静地接走了. 我的基督徒的生命是软弱的, 我询问主为什么是如此的结果. 我找不到答案, 只是这几天主让我尽量地忘却劲松生病痛苦的样子, 重新看到了她夏日般的笑容.
第一次与劲松见面是在八年前的感恩节. 我们一同受邀去教会朋友吴昌军的家里过节. 初为人母的她,一点都看不出刚生过孩子的样子. 她给我的第一印象是恬静,美丽,白皙的瓜子脸上配着一双灵动的大眼睛。刚过一岁的ERIN可爱得像个芭比娃娃,继承了妈妈的好多优点。 我们一边品味着主人家丰盛的宴席, 一边看着几个孩子在一起玩耍,幸福的日子莫过于此。
相近的年龄,相近的孩子岁数,自此以后, 我们俩家就经常在一起玩,孩子的生日, 节日的聚会,春天的PICNIC,夏日的BBQ,秋天的PLAYGROUND, 冬天的滑雪,劲松向我们展现了她热情似火的那一面。 她热爱生命,喜欢给孩子们安排各样的活动,做事干脆利落,走路虎虎生风。从她身上,我知道了什么是人如其名。劲松,非安静的静,而是疾风劲草的劲字。
劲松是一个非常能干,好学的人。 每次聚会,最不能缺的是她做的南京盐水鸭,香菇腐皮, 水果奶昔,和各种各样出奇制胜的菜品。 好吃的东西,只要是她看过一眼,尝过一下,她就能做出八九不离十。 ERIN, AIDAN 开始学钢琴以后,劲松为了更好地辅导他们,就去中文学校学习电子琴。劲松又是一个很会持家的人。你不管什么时候去她家,总是收拾得井井有条,一尘不染,各种装饰品,挂件的摆放,让你一下子觉得女主人花了很多心思来装扮这个家。
劲松不光光是对家里人无微不至地付出。对朋友的事情也是事无巨细,亲力亲为。劲松是学会计的。每年交税的季节,她经常无偿地给我们提供帮助,甚至就帮我们填写繁琐的税表。 有一段时间,她在家休息,她帮我们好几家人都接送过孩子。劲松对孩子是最细心周到的。每次的生日和圣诞节,她总是费心地挑选孩子们喜欢的礼物。直到现在,SOPHIA 和ANNA的好几样最喜欢的礼物,都是劲松送的。当我问她们对阿姨最深的印象是什么,她们一起告诉我,阿姨是一个非常非常NICE的PERSON.
张昊舒 江跃娟 lit a candle
Saturday, March 2, 2013
毛姑姑 你的坚强意志和乐观精神永远陪伴着我们,愿你一路走好!天堂再没有病痛,愿你永享安乐!
张爱国,舒苏 lit a candle
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Qing Lu and Family lit a candle
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Jing Song, We love you and always
张军,陈巧凤,盼盼 lit a candle
Saturday, March 2, 2013
张晓红,黄成,黄静怡 lit a candle
Saturday, March 2, 2013
WenTao Zhu and GeLin Chen lit a candle
Friday, March 1, 2013
We're so sad and heart-broken to hear your sudden loss,We will miss you!Love you forever!
Yunjin Dong, Tao Hou, and Rachel Hou lit a candle
Friday, March 1, 2013
Our family was deeply saddened. Jingsong is the strongest woman we have ever known and we will miss her greatly. Rest in peace!
Eddie and June Z. lit a candle
Friday, March 1, 2013
Jingsong spent her life loving/caring/helping others. I am so thankful to have known her as a friend. May she find peace and comfort in heaven.
Melody Shi lit a candle
Friday, March 1, 2013
In memories of a dear friend, loving mom, and wonderful person. May her heart and soul rest in peace, her beautiful smile remembered by all.
Fu Hui posted a condolence
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Fu Hui purchased flowers (Salute to a Patriot Standing Heart)
Li Yang and Family: Hold tight to memories for comfort, lean on your friends for strength, and always remember how much you are cared about. Your friends: Fu Hui and Family; Fan Fei and Family.
Fay Deng, Xiaoping Zhang, Yihong Deng lit a candle
Thursday, February 28, 2013
To my best aunt in the world, Love you forever. Rest in Peace.
Fu Hui and Wei yanyuan lit a candle
Thursday, February 28, 2013
We are saddened to hear of your sudden loss. May you rest in peace.
christina vogel posted a condolence
Thursday, February 28, 2013
christina vogel purchased flowers (In Our Thoughts Arrangement)
Jingsong was truly a special person. She will be deeply missed. With deepest sympathy. Leslie Topham and Tina Vogel (VeriSign Co-Workers)
Xiaoming and Ma Lin lit a candle
Thursday, February 28, 2013
In loving memory of a good friend, may she rest in peace.
Yanling and Zhang Ming lit a candle
Thursday, February 28, 2013
We are so sad and sorry to hear your loss. Jingsong is a great person and a cherished friend. Our heartfelt sympathy to you all.
Christine Vaughn posted a condolence
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Christine Vaughn purchased flowers (Light In Your Honor Bouquet)
Dear Yang, Erin & Aidan Li You have our deepest sympathy and our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Verisign Tax Team - Tina, Tracy, Jenni, Christine.
Cheng L. Chu posted a condolence
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Cheng L. Chu purchased flowers (Pastel Peace Basket)
In memory of a very special person, Jingsong. I will always remember your smile and the joy you brought. Rest in peace. Love Lin Chu
Kris, Dave, Charlotte & Greta Richmond posted a condolence
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time.
Jerald B Felder posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Jerald B Felder purchased flowers (Pink Lily Bouquet)
Please know that my thoughts, prayers, and love are with you at this time. Sincerely, Barry Felder
Lei Wang posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Lei Wang purchased flowers (Eternal Affection Arrangement)
Dear Yang, Erin, and Aiden, Our deepest sympathies during your time of loss. Please know that we are here for you. With Love, Qingyu, Lei, Victor and James
JoEllan Frasch lit a candle
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
In memory of a very special person who gave so much love to her wonderful family.
JoEllan Frasch posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
I know there are not any words to take away your pain, but rejoice that you now have a special angel to look over you and guide you.